Eyedro Dry Eye Spa is the first of its kind, run by fully qualified optometrists with a special interest in dry eye disease. Having worked in a variety of practices for the last eight years they have now decided to approach the treatment of dry eye from a different perspective.
We provide periodic cleaning using an instrument called LidPro. Regular cleaning of your eyelids and lashes is necessary to promote good eye health and avoid eye conditions like Anterior Blepharitis.
Mibo Thermoflo™
Unclog glands to help prevent conditions
Continuous controlled heat using ultrasound gel, helping to unclog glands by softening the hardened oils. Important for the protection of the eye and can help prevent eye conditions such as Posterior Blepharitis.
"For somebody who thought they had no problems I was amazed at how comfortable and refreshed my eyes felt and still feel. I am now able to wear my contact lenses far longer than previously without my eyes going dry and gritty, something I hadn't done in a while..."
Sports scientists have come up with multiple models of how visual input interacts with mental processes to produce muscular movement. These models are known as Visual Information Processing Paradigms.
Sports scientists have come up with multiple models of how visual input interacts with mental processes to produce muscular movement. These models are known as Visual Information Processing Paradigms.
It is believed approx. 86% of dry eye sufferers have MGD.
Many people are unaware that dry eye is a chronic condition, and that there are different types of dry eye. Maintenance is key in keeping symptoms at bay, and popping in the odd eye drop is sometimes not enough.